EU, NAM and Arab League Oppose Israel’s Wall in Jerusalem PLO: Israel Is Transferring Palestinian Population of Jerusalem |
July 12, 2005 - The EU, NAM, and the Arab League have joined the angry Palestinian reaction to Israel’s decision to complete the construction of its Apartheid Wall on occupied land in Jerusalem by September 1, which the Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei described as a land “theft in broad daylight” that makes peace itself “a farce”... more
PNA Rejects Israeli Decision on Jerusalem Wall, to Go to UN PM Qurei: A Land ‘Grab in Broad Daylight’ that Makes Peace a ‘Farce’ |
July 11, 2005 - The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) on Sunday rejected Israel’s decision to complete the construction of its Apartheid Wall on occupied land in Jerusalem as a land “grab in broad daylight,” which undermines the peace process and makes peace itself “a farce,”... more
News |
- June 28 - British Family Not Satisfied with Israeli Court’s Verdict
- June 28 - Palestinian Refugees Permitted ‘Some’ Work In Lebanon
- June 27 - Israel to Deport 100,000 Palestinian Spouses of Israelis
Statements |
- UN Conference of Civil Society in Support of Middle East Peace to Convene in Paris July 12-13
- Al-Haq: One Year Later, the International Community Must Enforce the ICJ Advisory Opinion
- Palestinian Civil Society Calls for Boycotting Israel
Press Conferences |
- Javier Solana Tells Der Spiegel Why the EU Matters to Middle East Peace
- Future Palestinian State Will Bring Hope, Rice Tells Audience at American University in Cairo
Reports |
- Settlements in Focus
- B’Tselem: Means of Expulsion
- Palestinian Monitoring Group Daily Situation Report (9 - 10 July 2005)
- UNICEF Humanitarian Action: Occupied Palestinian Territory Donor
Op-Ed / Articles |
- Help Us Stop Israel`s Wall Peacefully
- The Daily Star Editorial: Israeli Unilateralism Is Testing the Limits of Human Patience
- Akiva Eldar: Impressions from the Mid-Jerusalem Roadblock
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Permanent Status Issues |
Jerusalem Settlements  Refugees Water Borders Summary of Palestinian Positions |